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I try to always stay up to date on all current events. I spend a significant amount of time watching the news. I’d be lying if I said I haven’t fantasized about seeing an anchor or two without her clothes. Well, that’s exactly what you’ll find here. Right now viewers can use our 50% off Naked News discount and get all the coverage without the clothing.

You’ll find more than 2,010+ videos in this collection. The news may not be relevant anymore, but it’s hot as hell. Skye Blue and Scarlett Hampton are just a few of the familiar faces you’ll find on this roster You’ll get to watch as they report on everything from casual entertainment to more serious topics. The scenes you’ll find here have the appearance of a regular news show. Updates are delivered every single day of the week other than Sundays. Not only will you have hosts and anchors, but there are frequent guests as well. I’ve watched a lot of news shows over the years and none of them have kept my attention like this one.

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